Classmates Cont'd

To preserve privacy on the Internet, classmate contact information is not published. However if you wish to contact any of the classmates listed below please email Bill or Jane Spiller (click on Email link below) , they will in-turn contact the classmate for you and pass on your request. It will be up to the contacted classmate to initiate any return contact.
Bill & Jane Spiller

Classmated Listing "P" & "R"

This name list was last updated August 2006
Photos added January 2011

- - P - -

Parrot, Bob

Parsons, Ken

Pattee (O'herron), Ann

Pengra, Sally

Peoples, Gary

Perin, Howie ***

Perkins, Margaret

Peterson, Nadine

Peterson, Sandra

Petri, Fred

Philips, Russell

Pierce (Bevens), Linda

Plummer, Jim

Popken, Oona

Powel (Robertson), Gayle

Prater, Tom

Prior, Greg

Pullam, Russell

- - R - -

Ralph, Margie

Rasmussen, Randy

Reed, Ben

Reed, Brad

Reinmuth, Shelly

Rhoades, Jim

Richardson, Bob

Richardson, Jim

Rissberger, John

Rissberger (Parry), Sue

Roberts, Dave

Robison, Jim

Rockstein, Linda

Rogers, Richard

*** Indicate classmates that have passed on (this list was as of June 2006)

This web page last updated on Friday, January 8, 2016