The News Archives - From 2011

UPDATE: - July 19, 2011
2011 Memory Book Available for Downloading,

You should have received an email form John with information about downloading the new 45th Annual Reunion Memory Book. The email gives a clickable link that will take you to the downloading page. There, just click on the "Download" button and the .PDF file will download to your computer.

If you didn't receive an email or lost the email, please contact me at my email address below:


UPDATE: - July 15, 2011
Classmates and Teachers:

7 Days to go! Papa’s Pizza on Coburg Road. I am not sure of the exact time that the room is reserved but I think it is somewhere around 5:30 or 6 pm.

MAP TO PAPA'S PIZZA - Friday Evening

Tennis is Saturday morning at the High School courts.

Vice Principal Mike Johnson will be doing his school tours beginning at 11am to about 1pm on Saturday.

The picnic starts at 3pm and goes to 7pm or so. The address is 34320 McKenzie View Drive.

MAP TO PICNIC AT JON JAQUA'S - Saturday Afternoon

I am looking forward to seeing everyone.

John Wolf

UPDATE: - June 25, 2011
Classmates and Teachers:

Wayte Kirchner was our 1966 A Capella Choir Director. Liz Barnes (Newbold) was one of his prize students. Wayte and Liz would like the 1966 choir and anyone else who would like to join in to sing a few numbers at the reunion picnic. Therefore I have attached the words and music to the Alma Mater, Heigh Ho, Anybody Home and God Bless America. If you would like to join in the singing of these songs, please let Liz know by sending her an email at so she will have an idea of how many are willing to participate.

As I indicated last time, the reunion is ready to go with Papa's on Friday the 23rd, tennis on Saturday morning, open house at the school from 11am to 1pm, and of course the picnic at Jaqua's beginning at 3pm. Jaqua's address is 34320 McKenzie View Drive. I think it is Eugene but it might be Springfield. McKenzie View Drive takes off of Coburg Road just north of the bridge at Armitage Park.

We can use some help with set up, clean up and money taking. Some people have already offered to help. If you would like to help, please let me know.

I understand that my last email was a little hard to read. I am sorry about that. I hope this is better. Also Margaret Clausen's husband Daniel told me how to send out the emails without everyone being listed which makes for a cleaner email. I am sending about 300 emails at a time so I am going to use his suggestion.

There are still a lot of people who have not yet decided whether or not they will be attending the reunion. To them I say that the reunion will be low key but will be fun and enjoyable. We received a ton of compliments from the 40th and I myself still remember the picnic like it was yesterday. I guarantee that if you come you will not regret it and you will have a great time.

John Wolf

June 21, 2011
Classmates and Teachers:

1. Papa’s Pizza is ready for us Friday night, July 22, 2011.

2. The tennis courts at Sheldon are reserved for the tennis tournament that Lez Newhouse Moore is organizing on Saturday morning the 23rd.

3. Vice Principal Mike Johnson is ready to give tours during the open house at the school from 11am to 1 pm on Saturday.

4. Hole in the Wall Barbeque catering has been hired for the picnic which begins at 3pm on Saturday.

5. Tables and chairs have been rented.

6. Refreshments have been arranged.

7. The weather is improving.

We ready to have a great time at the 45th year reunion of the first class to go through Sheldon HS.

Please visit the Reunion Picnic Sign-Up page at and please sign up so we can get a good head count for the caterer.

John Wolf

June 3, 2011
Classmates and Teachers:

The reunion is only 49 days away!  Friday night the 22nd of July at Papa’s on Coburg Rd., tennis and open house at the school on Saturday morning and early afternoon and then the picnic at Jaqua’s from 3pm to 7pm.  
With over 120 classmates and over 30 teachers it’s going to be great.  English Teacher Jerry Keuter has recently indicated that he will be coming.
Since the picnic only costs $5 per person we will need some volunteer help.  If you are interested in helping by providing some labor please let me know.  Ted Hicks, with help from Arnie Chase, is already planning on having music as he did for the 40th but we could use help with the food and drink.
The Talisman that is attached this time has several fun articles and an editorial by Diana Deverell.  I enjoyed Nadine Peterson’s bit of blarney column.
Don’t forget that the website at <>  is a great source of information.  While you are there it would be helpful if you would sign up using the form provided so we can get a better head count so we can have enough food and drink.
That’s it for now.
May 27, 2011
Classmates and Teachers:

Attached today is the TALISMAN for March 4, 1966. There are articles about the Debate team, Musicians, Math Students and the Talisman staff. There is a nice article about Kit Ellingsworth and something called the Club Corner about various clubs at school. Check out who the bouncers are for Young Life!

I encourage all of you to check out the class website. Dick Washichek is doing a great job and has lots of good information about the class, the reunion and the 60’s.

It would be helpful if while you are there you filled out the form to let us know how many, besides yourself, are attending.

Missing persons: The last time I listed people I had not found I received lots of help and in fact found most of the listed people. Still missing are:

Bill May
Vern Hall
Diane Senger
Mary Ann Senger
Marla White
Linda Wassom

If you have any information please let me know.

The reunion is now less than two months away.

I hope you all have a nice Memorial Day Weekend.


May 21, 2011
Classmates and Teachers:

We are up to 120 or so classmates who indicate they will be attending and 31 teachers. And there are an additional 50 to 60 people who may or may not attend depending on events in their lives.

Here is a recap of the reunion activities currently scheduled.

The big event is the picnic at Jon Jaqua’s farm on Saturday from 3pm to 7pm at a cost of $5 per person.

There is also a Friday night gathering at Papa’s Pizza on Coburg Rd. starting about 6pm which is no host.

Lez Newhouse is organizing a tennis tournament at the school on Saturday morning and Mike Johnson, the current Vice Principal at Sheldon, will be conducting a tour of the school from 11 am to 1pm on Saturday.

The attachment to today’s update is from the November 22, 1965 Talisman. There are articles about the cross country team, the football team, the swim team, the Dublinairs and Student Council. There is also a coupon which gives you the opportunity to buy two 19 cent hamburgers for the price of one.

I enjoy all the emails I am receiving back so don’t hesitate to contact me. If you want to know how to reach a classmate or teacher let me know. If you are getting these emails and have not yet let me know that, please do, even if you are sure you won’t be attending any reunion activities.


May 15, 2011
Classmates and Teachers:

For some unknown reason I kept a number of copies of the Sheldon Student Newspaper. Attached are selected articles from the December 17, 1965 issue. There are pictures and/or articles about Beth Delyea, Bill Bayne, Lez Newhouse, Sandi Grossbach, Beth Joiner, Diana Deverell, Ginger Nelson, Vern Hall, Kent Stevens and many more. Also there is a picture of Barbara Cobb who is married to Bill Stater who was Student Body President and who was in an earlier attachment to one of my emails.

I also like the ad for 15 cent root beer floats.

As I have indicated in the past several people who did not attend 5 years ago are planning on attending this time. I have already mentioned Susie Seligman, Karen Thorne, and Jan Frederickson. Some others are Jim Thompson, Connie Lawson, Christie Clausen, Bob Davidson (Class Treasurer), Rod Bevans, John Greenhoot and Glen Gogletti. I think there are others. I apologize if I forgot your name.

Many classmates have indicated they won’t know if they can attend until the date gets closer which is fine. There are lots of things we can’t control such as grandbabies or a parent’s health. There is no deadline. Let me know when you can. We will not turn anyone away.

Before I close I need to make some CORRECTIONS. When reporting on the teachers I have contacted I misspelled some names. In Business Education it was Darlyne Jacobson not Darlene. Our history teacher was Diana Davisson not Davidson. I apologize for the errors.

Finally I have received lots of very nice feedback from lots of teachers and classmates. I appreciate it. Keep it up.


May 7, 2011
Classmates and Teachers:

The consensus is that the 40 year reunion was very successful, due in part to the large turnout of classmates and teachers.  

It looks like the 45th reunion will have more of both.


121 classmates attended one or more events at the 40th.  113 attended the picnic.  So far 116 classmates have indicated they will attend the 45th reunion and there are about 75 more who know about it but have not indicated yay or nay yet.  I have not heard back from another 25 or so and I am still looking for about 25.  We could have well over 150 classmates at this reunion.  I have spoken to lots of you and the enthusiasm is amazing.  A lot of it has to do with the fact that we are inviting the teachers and that most of them are coming.

TEACHERS (using the names we knew them by in High School)

Believe it or not I have found 43 teachers who are alive and well.  Over 30 have indicated that they will attend.  Only 6 have said they can’t make it.  The others are not sure yet. Here are the teachers I have found:

Administration and Counselors:  Ron Burge, John Clyde, Dick Jensen – all coming.

Arts and Crafts:  Allen Mattila, Pat Gisborne, Roy Robinson – all coming; Ray Levra – probably not coming.

Business Education:  Shirley Dick, Darlyne Jacobson,  Richard Schwab –all coming.

English:  Janice Disch, Dick Doering, Pat Gibson, Jerry Berg, Kit Osborn – all coming; Marna Schultz – not sure, but I think she will come;  Jerry Keuter – not sure; Jane Middlehurst, Gene Beaver – not able to come.

History:  Ellen Hodges, Harold Beaudet, Geary Triplett, Roger Diddock –all coming; Diana Davisson –not sure; Richard Arends –not able to come;  Carrol De Broekert- not able to come.

Home Economics:  Marilyn Barker- coming.

Mathematics:  Price Roop –coming;  Gerald Kulm – not sure; Corine Horton – have not heard back.

Music:  Wayte Kirchner – coming.

Physical Education:  Dick Arbuckle, Boyd Morgan, Carolyn Rayborn, Charles Messenger – all coming;  Rudy Herr – have not heard back.

Science:  Dan Browning, Clayton Fraser, James Holst, Mike Shirk, Bill Youngmayr – all coming; Ray Hull – not able to come.

Library:  Keith Wolfe – coming.

By my count that is 31- coming, 6 -not sure, and 6 -no or probably not.  What a great turnout!


If you haven’t checked out the website you should.  Here is a link (I think):
<> .  It has lots of interesting information including pictures of all classmates. My guess is that Dick Washichek will have all the teachers listed on the website somewhere soon.

There is also a sign up sheet for the reunion for you to let us know how many of you there will be at the reunion.

And if you would like to add or update the memory book that Bill Spiller put together for the 40th Dick has that available.


Missing persons:  I have not been able to find several people I found for the 40th such as Jim Thompson, George Summers, Bob Shirey, Rick Isham, Jack Wolfe, Linda Wassom, Helen Willing, and Bill May.  If you know anything about these people such as the names of parents, brothers or sisters or old addresses please let me know.

I have not heard back from about 15 people for whom I have an email address.  The emails are not being kicked back but I can’t be sure they are good.  If you are getting my emails and have not yet let me know please do so.

UPDATE: - April 28, 2011
Memory Book Updating for 45th Class Reunion,

As most of you are aware, Bill Spiller created the original 2006, 40th Class Reunion Memory Book. It was a monumental task he took on and completed with excellent results, not to mention, over 230 colorful pages. The finished printed spiral bound books were offered in either color or black & white versions and priced to classmates at cost.  This 45th Reunion edition will be an electronic downloadable version instead of a printed book. This edition will be created as an Acrobat Reader "PDF" version viewable on your computers and other electronic devices capable of reading PDF format. When completed this Memory Book will be available as a free download from the website and classmates will be contacted with particulars on how to download the book.

Privacy Note: The book will NOT be made available publicly; it will only be made available to the Sheldon’s Class of 1966 classmates and downloaded from a password-protected folder.

Calling for Memory Book
Revisions and Updates

You are welcome to make any changes or updates as you wish. All changes big or small are permitted, including but not limited to the addition of new or changed photos, contact information and of course your general profile information. Keep in mind however, you are limited to one page. Submit written profiles directly in an email or as an email attachment such as a word-processed file, also attach all new photos to the same email. Please indicate, "add to" or "replace" photos. Be sure to always identify yourself with your name in the Subject Area as well as the first line of your email. For this 45th Class Reunion, I will be handling the publishing of the memory book, be sure to send all Memory Book emails to my email address at:

If you missed the great opportunity of creating your own profile page the last time, please create one this time, everyone is welcome.  If you didn't receive or have misplaced your 40th Class Reunion Memory book and wish to compare/review your previous profile for updating purposes, simply email me and I will reply with your page attached as a PDF file.

The cut-off date for new and changed material/pages will be
June 24, 2011,
please keep this date in mind

All the best,
Dick Washichek

April 25, 2011
Classmates and teachers:

Plans for the reunion week end are going well. I have spoken to numerous classmates including many who did not come to the 40th reunion who say that they are looking forward to reconnecting with classmates and teachers. I also talked to Jon Jaqua who is looking forward to another good reunion.

Since my last email I have added about 45 people to the email list so it seems appropriate to repeat that there will be a Friday night, July 22, 2011 gathering at Papa’s Pizza on Coburg Road, a tennis tournament organized by Lez Newhouse Moore sometime on Saturday, a tour of the school conducted by Mike Johnson who is Vice Principal at Sheldon on Saturday about 11 am, and the big event the picnic at Jon Jaqua’s farm on Saturday from about 3 to 7pm. The picnic will cost $5 per person.

I think I have found 40 teachers. I have not heard from 5 of these so I’m not sure about them. Of the other 35, 28 indicate they will be there. 3 say they can’t make it and 4 aren’t sure. I will be listing these teachers soon.

I think I have found about 250 classmates. I am still looking for about 50 more. I have 106 classmates who indicate they will be attending the reunion. About 70 aren’t sure yet whether or not they will be coming. About 40 say they can’t come that week end. About 35 classmates that I think I have found have not responded.

The website is a good place to find out about the specifics of the reunion. There is also a “Contact Form” that can be completed so we can keep your information electronically for future reunions. It has pictures as well as all the emails I have sent. Check it out.

That is all for now.

John Wolf

April 18, 2011
New Contact Form,

We've created a new Classmate Contact Form intended for classmates to fill out to enable the Reunion Committee can keep a current contact list on all us for future notices. This information will be kept private and only for the use of the Reunion Committee for official alumni events. Whenever you change any of your contact information please come back to the form page and resubmitted your information, including the ne data.

The link for this page is in the navigation bar to the left, third button from the top, or click on the text link at the beginning of the first paragraph.

All the best,
Dick Washichek

April 18, 2011
Reunion Sign-up Form,

In an attempt create better contact and sign-up data, we've create a second form page allowing classmates to easily sign up for the Reunion Picnic. This new form will allow us to better see who is attending and the number of guest they might bring and how many are commuting from a distance/another city, not in the general local area of the Eugene/Springfield greater area

All the best,
Dick Washichek

April 18, 2011

Do you have a Facebook Page you wish to share with other classmates? If you do, email me your facebook link (copy it from your internet browser and paste it into your email message). I will then add the Facebook logo and its link to you, under your classmate photo. As an example, visit my photo in the -W- section and see how it looks and works. See the "Contacts" page for my email address.

All the best,
Dick Washichek

April 8, 2011
I have a phone number, email address or physical address for 39 TEACHERS who are alive and well.  I think there may be a few more.  I am still looking. I have not made contact with all of them yet but I will.   At least 25 of these teachers have indicated that they are coming to the reunion.  Only 2 have not been able to make it.  I have had a number of great conversations with our teachers including teachers I never had for a class.   I am sure we will have well over 30 teachers at the reunion.  In an upcoming email update I will list all the teachers who say they are coming.
Lez Newhouse Moore has volunteered to organize a tennis tournament Saturday morning.  I or Lez will get more information out on that later.  If you know you want to do this let me know.
Mike Johnson who is the current Sheldon Principal is excited about the reunion and has agreed to host an open house and tour at the school from 11am to 1pm on Saturday.  He has done this for other classes and says it has been well received.   I Will have more on that later.  
Craig Merkel pointed out that the website had some incorrect dates about the reunion which have not been fixed.  Dick Washichek is in charge of the website and has indicated he will be adding a Forms page for classmates to provide updates for their contact information to the extent they are comfortable doing so.  He has also added a Facebook link for those who want to share this with classmates.
I am finding that many of the emails I have for people are not correct.  I am trying to contact people who have not replied to my emails or otherwise contacted me.  Several people are helping me. If you would like to help call people let me know.
 If I have your correct email please let me know that even if you think you are not coming or are not sure.
If you have any special requests or want to know about any particular classmate or teacher let me know.
That’s all I know for now.  
John Wolf

April 2, 2011

Please help, if you have a new email address since our last reunion in the summer of 2006 or you know classmates who haven't been receiving our email messages, please forward those addresses to John (see our "Contacts" page) or ask your classmate friends to send their current email address.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

All the best, Dick Washichek

April 2, 2011

I have been getting a fantastic response from the teachers who taught the class of 66.  One response was:  “Thank you for the invitation to the Sheldon 1966 reunion.  I am happy to accept.  Those were great years.”
I have heard back from about 27 teachers already.  
I am also hearing from a lot of classmates and most are planning on attending.
Some classmates are helping by contacting classmates they were close to in high school.  That has been helpful.  Thank you.
Don’t forget to check out the class website at
If you haven’t let me know that I have the correct email for you please do that.  Thanks.
John Wolf

March 25, 2011
I am hearing from lots of new people and the response is still overwhelmingly positive.  
I sent a letter to the teachers I knew about from the 40th and am getting responses already.  I also found a teacher I didn’t find for the 40th – Marilyn Barker who was a home economics teacher.  A classmate had asked about her specifically so I tried to find her again and did.
I am finding that many of my email addresses are not good.  I have been calling people for whom I have a number and finding about half have changed their email address.  There are about 20 new email addresses that are getting today’s email.   It is very helpful if I do have your correct email to let me know.
Let me know if there is a teacher or classmate you would like to know about.  Let me know if you know someone has moved or has a new email or phone number.
Thank you for your help and enthusiasm.
John Wolf

March 19, 2011
The response to the 45 year reunion has been great.  As of today I have received 52 positive responses, several “not sure” and only 4 “I can’t make it”.  Just about everyone has good things to say about the 40 year reunion and several more classmates that didn’t attend that one are planning on attending this one.
I will be sending out a letter to the teachers next week but have talked to Mike Shirk (Biology and wrestling coach) and Dan Browning (Chemistry) who were there last time and who plan on attending again.  27 teachers attended the 40th reunion.
The plan is for a gathering at Papa’s Pizza on Friday July 22,2001 and for a picnic at Jaqua’s ranch on Saturday July 23, 2011.  The cost of the picnic is $5 per person.
Some corrections are in order from previous emails:  (1) As John Chen pointed out Laurie Buck Curry and her husband were at the last reunion.  (2) Suzie Seligman Wigoda now lives in Evanston, Illinois.                      
Some people have asked how to get to the class website.  I usually find it by googling “sheldonclassof66”.
I am finding that lots of email addresses have changed and most do not bounce back to let me know that they are bad.  It would be very helpful if I do have your correct email for you to let me know that.  Even if you don’t think you can attend, please let me know that I have a good email for you.
If anyone wants to know about a particular classmate or teacher let me know and I will let you know what I know.
John Wolf

March 12, 2011
Since my first email on March 7th I have heard from over 20 classmates who indicate they will be coming to the 45 year reunion.   There are 5 of these that were not at the 40 year reunion including Susie Seligman Wigoda our class secretary who lives in Skokie, Illinois, Karen Thorne Scott who lives in Indianapolis, Indiana, Laurie Buck Curry who lives in Gig Harbor, Washington, Janice Fredrickson Lyon who lives in Eugene and Ron Funke who lives in Eugene.
Someone asked if the teachers were invited.  Yes, but I am just getting to this. I have talked with two – Janice Disch Keuter and Boyd Morgan who indicate they will be coming.  I will be sending out information to all the teachers soon.
It looks like another great turnout.
As a reminder Friday is a Papa’s Pizza on Coburg Road and the picnic is Saturday July 23, 2011 at Jaqua’s ranch with a cost of only $5.
You can help me by responding to this email to let me know that I have a good address for you, even if you are not coming or don’t know whether you can make it or not.  If you know that you are coming please let me know how many of you there are.
Also if you have a particular teacher or classmate you want to know about let me know.
I will keep you all posted as I get more information.  Don’t forget to check out the class website.
John Wolf

March 7, 2011
As co-chairmen of the publicity committee for the 45 year reunion Bill Spiller and I need to make sure the word gets out that we are having a 45 year class reunion this summer on the weekend of July 22-23 2011. The highlight will be a picnic Saturday afternoon at Jon Jaqua’s ranch. The cost of a picnic will only be five dollars as we have money left over from the 40 year reunion. We will also have a Friday night get together at Papas pizza on Coburg Road.
For more information about the reunion, pictures of the 40 year reunion, pictures from the yearbook and other general information please visit the recently updated website which is been put together by Dick Washichek and can be found by googling "Sheldonclassof66".
We had such a great time at the 40 year reunion it may be hard to duplicate but we're going to try.
You can help by responding to this e-mail or to Bill Spiller (see "Contact" page) to let us know that you will be attending or to let us know how to contact classmates whose e-mail addresses have changed or who have moved.
We look forward to hearing from you.
John Wolf

January 28, 2011

As the 2011 Reunion draws closer, alumni updates and other news will be posted here. If you wish to read news notices from other years and the past 2006 Reunion, please click on the News Archives links in the navigation buttons to the left.

All the best, Dick Washichek

January 27, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011
A no-host beer and pizza night at Papa’s Pizza (1577 Coburg Rd.) (see Events Page for map);
6:00 PM till whenever....

Saturday, 2:00 PM, July 23, 2011.
Picnic to be held at Jon Jaqua’s ranch (34320 McKenzie View Dr., Eugene).
$5.00 per person
The idea is to have hot dogs, hamburgers, some side dishes as well as beer and soft drinks. Any cost overage will be paid for from money left over from our previous 40th reunion.

We had such a good time at our last reunion that having the event every five years seems like a no-brainer.
At this point we are in the looking for classmates mode. I soon as we know who we are looking for, we will ask for your help in finding them.

Bill Spiller

This web page last updated on Monday, March 27, 2017