The News Archives - From 2008

April 9, 2008 - Mel Krause/Don Kirsch Legacy
Dear Class,

Here is an opportunity to be part of something special. Any donation at all, gives you the "good feeling" rights of knowing you participated in a big thank you - to all of our teachers and coaches. A monument of Mel at the U of O ballpark will be very very nice.

Best, Bill Spiller


The University of Oregon would like to honor former baseball coaches Mel Krause and Don Kirsch by funding a monument of each at an appropriate location on the new University of Oregon Baseball Complex. We need to raise a minimum of $120,000 to fund this project.

Please consider a gift to allow a special commemoration that will honor these two outstanding coaches. Gifts should be directed as follows:

The University of Oregon Foundation
360 E. 10th Avenue, Suite 202
Eugene, Oregon 97401-3273

If you have questions regarding gifts of cash, call Denise McCoy, (541) 302-0304.

For Questions on gifts of securities, call Laura Chen,(541) 302-0286.

Tax Identification Number (93-6015767)

April 2, 2008 - A message from Coach Mel Krause
Greetings Irish!

Upcoming events are unfolding rapidly and I'd like to keep you informed.

A message from Mel Krause:
On April 19, 2008 at 3:00 p.m., a group of former athletes have arranged to hold a celebration of Life called, "Nine Innings with Mel", at either the Casanova Center or Autzen Stadium, depending on the turnout. No charge, but anyone that gives a donation to the UO Baseball program, will receive an autographed baseball by me. This is open to anyone interested in attending.

It is my understanding that Mel has asked Jim Richardson to speak about the "Inning" of the early Sheldon years. Very nice indeed. Go Jim.

Of course this Celebration of Life is on the same day as the Sheldon High Sports fund raiser. Mel will probably put in an appearance at the Sheldon event after his Celebration of Life event, as a way of continuing his life of giving back to sports.

I spoke with Mel a while back and he is still full of piss and vinegar. Just this last week he has gained back five pounds. He is quick of mind and more full of life than several people I know - that have no ongoing cancer issues. Go Mel!

Susan Green-Bailey has traveled the same path as John Wolf this last year. She contracted cancer, received treatment and has experienced full remission. Go Susan!

On Friday night, April 18th, I will raise a toast for every one of you to keep your good health.

Best to you all, Bill Spiller

April 1, 2008 - Celsbrating Team Coaches from 40 Years Ago
Hi Dick,

Jim Richardson along with Sheldon's assistance principle Michael Johnson has asked us to publish the following sports related information. Sheldon's annual auction has hit on the idea to celebrate and recognize championship team coaches from 40 years ago. This year is the catch-up year for 1964 through 1968. The positive response from those team athletes has been to plan there own mini-reunions around the time frame of the auction. If you would be so kind as to post this information to our internet site, all would be happy.

Thanks a lot, Bill

February 14, 2008 - Celsbrating Team Coaches from 40 Years Ago
Hello Sixty-Year-olds!

Okay, so - some of you have not reached that vaulted level of lifetime achievement, but it's still coming at you with the force of a freight train. Personally, I hated it/ regretted it/ laughed at it and generally went through a lot of wasted time coming to grips with turning 60. Yuck. Hell, I've been 14 years old for so long that I'm not about to try and be 60 anytime soon.....

By now you are certainly getting excited about our 45th class reunion coming in only 3 years and six months from now. Makes your little heart go pitter patter doesn't it.....
Well, it could....

So, on to the purpose of this notice.... Sheldon is hosting a fund raiser again this year on Saturday, April 19th at the high school. You are all invited. Dick Washichek, our super web master has again out done himself by posting all of the details regarding this fund raiser on the class web site that he maintains. Last year Jane and I bid and won tickets to a U of O football game... which was a treat for us, and even better since it made $$$ for Sheldon. Mike Johnson, the associate principle at Sheldon, has given us a heads-up that the class of 1965 is planning a get-together the Friday night prior to auction. It would be fun to have a chance to share stories with some of those old friends not seen for a long time... (Oregon Electric Station 7-12) Last year's event was a lot of fun... mostly because of the folks from our class that showed up and we had a chance to shoot the breeze before the auction started. The event itself is very well done, and the funds raised go to worthwhile needs of the Sheldon community.

Mike Johnson says...."As a result of the Irish Night of Giving 2007, we achieved the following goals: for the Gillilan/Torrey Memorial fund to reach its $100,000 goal, scholarships to send five Sheldon students in financial crisis to college, construction of the Sheldon Booster Club Concessions Stand located in the Ludwig Stadium, remodel of the indoor Booster Club Concessions Stand, and the remodel of the Girl's Team Rooms for soccer, basketball, and volleyball."

Planners of the auction are also looking for donations to be sold either at the silent or oral auctions, so if you have something to contribute, here's your chance....

I hope to see you there...
Warm wishes, Bill & Jane Spiller

Be sure to send your information to make the Memory Book complete. And be sure to purchase one for a modest cost.

To receive an info request sheet or send information please contact Bill and Jane Spiller and for other contacts and general information requests please see Contact Page.

This web page last updated on Monday, March 27, 2017