The News Archives - From 2016

Updated News - JULY 26, 2016

The NEW Sheldon Class of 1966 - 50 Year Reunion Memory Book is now available for on-line viewing or downloading. Please click on the link below to find how to access the files >

All the best,
Dick Washichek

Updated News - JULY 20, 2016

Hi Boys and Girls,

Our 2016 reunion is over and a good time was had by all......
Friday's social hour was well attended, maybe forty or fifty people.  For our $5 we received a room to ourselves, meatballs, veggie sandwiches, and rolled sandwiches.  We bought beer and wine at the bar with our own bartenders and all in all it worked out well.

Saturday, started with Tennis and Pickleball at the Sheldon courts.  About ten of us played and of course we all had a good time.

There were around 120 people who attended the picnic on a beautiful summer day.

Jim Richardson welcomed everyone to get things started.  The big surprise was the music. A couple of months ago I was asked that if the band got back together would it be okay for them to play at the picnic.  I dutifully asked the committee at large and it was okayed.  Then I get a call, that it wasn't going to happen, and I sent out an email, saying the old farts couldn't get it together but maybe they would sing for us.  Well!  As I understand it, the boys pulled it together, practiced as much as they could and did indeed play good old Rock and Roll at the picnic. This was no small feat.  These guys are not professional musicians that play constantly year over year for a living.  Terry Lee dug out his 1966 drum set, brought it to the picnic and played. Randy Rasmussen sang.   Cliff Hunter brought his sound equipment with multiple guitars and played the lead guitar and also sang.   Cliff played some of his own music, and I tell you I am not any kind of music critic, but the guy sang in tune, nailed notes, delivered tone quality and the song style was very easy to listen to.  We were all very impressed with the music.  Folks that didn't want to listen, wondered off and continued to talk and those that wanted to be entertained stayed and danced and listened......  Thanks guys.

 Mic O'Conner couldn't make the reunion, but sent a case of wine in his stead.  Hey, thanks Mic.  We would have rather seen you and your smile at the reunion, but we liked the wine too.....  However, since you weren't there to defend yourself a lot of us stood around and told Mic O'Conner stories.  All the stories were good ones, and you should know that you were missed with great affection.

Diana Deverell suffered through a flight from Denmark to Florida, then out west so she could attend.  That's a long damn flight.....  However, it was super to see her alive, spry and looking very well indeed.  Want a good book?.......
Then we had Julie McCornack flying in from Cossington Somerset, Great Britan.  Again, heck of a long flight.  But what a treat to see Julie.  
Pictures taken by Dan Ester on their way to the Sheldon Web Site.

Someone asked Jon Jaqua if we were going to have another reunion in five years.  Jon looked over at me and said "sure, sounds like a good idea"......

There you have it,
Best to everyone,

     One last thing.  Mel Kruise stood up ten years ago and challenged us to give back to our community.  I'm thinking of something closer to home.  Sheldon's Hall of Honor raises funds to help kids in need/stress to get through High School.  As well as pay some tuition for these kids to get into college.  For example, a few years ago Mike Johnson told the story of Sally Hodges.  She couldn't physically get to school because her and her mom were living out of their car while mom was working at cleaning different houses.  Mike used funds from the Hall of Honor to buy her a bicycle so she could get to school.   Sally went on to graduate from Sheldon.  That's a big deal and all because of a bicycle......   So next year, on or about April 1st, give yourself a tax deduction by sending a $100 to the Sheldon Hall of Honor, in care of Sheldon High School.

JULY 25, 2016

Do you have a Facebook Page you wish to share with other classmates? If you do, email me ( ) your facebook link (copy it from your internet browser address bar at the top and paste it into your email message). I will then add the Facebook logo and its link to you, under your classmate photo. As an example, visit my photo in the -W- section and see how it looks and works. See the "Contacts" page for my email address.

All the best,
Dick Washichek

News - June 1, 2016
Tennis Update,
The Tennis Event now includes Pickleball lessons and to be played on courts that will be setup next to the tennis courts.
Please view the "Events" page for more details and map.

Wine Tour Update,
Wine Tour - on Sunday July 17th at 12:30 PM
Meet at Sheldon’s parking lot, Sunday morning at 12:30 having had lunch. There we will arrange drivers and car pooling:

Leave for 1st Winery at 1:00 PM
First Winery:  1:30 PM
Iris Vineyards
82110 Territorial Hwy

Second Winery: 3:00 PM
Iris Vineyards & The Famous King Estate Winery
80854 Territorial Hwy
No host Hors d’oeuvre….. and disband until next time….
Please view the "Events" page for more details and map.

News - May 24, 2016
Associated Fees at Reunion,

There will be a $5.00 Cover charge at the No-Host Meet & Greet, Friday July 15, 2016

There is a $25.00/person charge for the main event "Reunion Picnic," Saturday 16, 2016.

News - FEBRUARY 20, 2016
Tennis Added to the Events,

Tennis with Lez Newhouse (Moore) at the Sheldon court - Lez is bring water and tennis balls. On Saturday,
July 16, 2016, at 11:00 am.

News - FEBRUARY 20, 2016
New Information about the Golf Tournament,

Bill Boldt and John Knutson are leading this event at the Emerald Valley Golf Course. 83301 Dale Kuni Rd, in Creswell, Golf on Sunday July 17th at 8:00 AM - on Sunday July 17th at 8:00 AM - .

8:00 AM; Continental breakfast and warm-up

9:15 AM; Tee off - Blind Draw, modified scramble allowing players of all abilities to compete and have fun.

1:30 PM; No-host Lunch with wine to forget the bad shots.

COSTS: $40.00 plus $15 for a cart. Great prices!

FEBRUARY 14, 2016
UpDate - New Reunion Info,

Hi Everyone,
Just a minor change. After 28 years the Olympic Track and Field Trials are returning to Eugene, the last day of the trials is July 10th. Jim Richardson caught the conflict and figured there wouldn't be a spare motel, hotel or notel motel in all of Eugene and we should make the change. Jon Jaqua agreed and there you have it.

The changes to our weekend agenda below is the addition of Lez Newhouse (Moore) organizing some tennis at the Sheldon tennis courts on Saturday at 11:00 AM. Also note the addition of the $25 charge for the picnic.

Richard Washichek has updated the Sheldon Website to reflect the new dates. Wow, what a talented guy.

Okay then, we need a wine guru to lead a trip through a few winery's in the Eugene area. Also, we need a golfer who has an opinion about what golf course to reserve for our golf group - then call or email Bill Boldt to coordinate that event.

So you are, all up to date, stay turned for more exciting ........ well, you know....... sky diving, buffalo riding, hot air balloon rides..... who knows.

Best to everyone,
Bill Spiller
FEBRUARY 14, 2016

Please note new dates as stated immediately below in Bill's "January 5th" notice: (All dates have been advanced one week, from the old 8, 9 &10 to the new dates 15, 16 & 17.)

All the best,
Dick Washichek

JANUARY 5, 2016


Reunion time is coming, July 2016 and below is the basic plan - subject to revision as time gets nearer.

Meet & Greet, A no-host brewery and snacks at,
Hop Valley Brewing, 990 W 1st Street, Eugene, OR 97401
Friday, July 15, 2016, at 6:00 PM till whenever....
(please see Events Page for map and updates);

Open House at Sheldon - A tour of our alma-mater,
Henry D. Sheldon High School, 2455 Willakenzie Rd, Eugene, OR 97401
Saturday, July 16, 2016, 10:00 AM.
(please see Events Page for map and updates);

Picnic to be held at Jon Jaqua’s ranch (34320 McKenzie View Dr., Eugene).
Saturday, July 16, 2016 at 3:00 PM.
(please see Events Page for map and updates);
$25.00 per person

Golf Tournament - To be determined (Bill Bolt and John Knutson planning)
Sunday, July 17, 2016 at 8:00 AM
(please see Events Page for map and updates);

Wine Tour - To be determined.
Sunday, July 17, 2016, 1 pm
(please see Events Page for map and updates);

Bill Spiller

JANUARY 5, 2016
New Contact Form,

We've created a new "
Classmate Contact Form" intended for classmates to fill out to enable the Reunion Committee can keep a current contact list on all us for future notices. This information will be kept private and only for the use of the Reunion Committee for official alumni events. Whenever you change any of your contact information please come back to the form page and resubmitted your information, including the new data.

All the best,
Dick Washichek

JANUARY 5, 2016
Reunion Sign-up Form,

In an attempt create better contact and sign-up data, we've create a second form page allowing classmates to easily sign up for the "Reunion Picnic Signup." This new form will allow us to better see who is attending and the number of guest they might bring and how many are commuting from a distance/another city, not in the general local area of the Eugene/Springfield greater area

All the best,
Dick Washichek

JANUARY 5, 2016

Do you have a Facebook Page you wish to share with other classmates? If you do, email me your facebook link (copy it from your internet browser and paste it into your email message). I will then add the Facebook logo and its link to you, under your classmate photo. As an example, visit my photo in the -W- section and see how it looks and works. See the "Contacts" page for my email address.

All the best,
Dick Washichek


Please help, if you have a new email address since our last couple of reunions or you know classmates who haven't been receiving our email messages, please forward those addresses to John (see our "Contacts" page) or ask your classmate friends to send their current email address.
Your help is greatly appreciated.

All the best,
Dick Washichek

JANUARY 5, 2016
Memory Book Updating for 50th Class Reunion,

We will be issuing a new Memory Book for the 50th Class Reunion please click on the navigation link in the left column and visit the "Memory Book" page for more detailed information

All the best,
Dick Washichek


This web page last updated on Monday, March 27, 2017